I believe Math is all about finding patterns and relationships among numbers and being able to apply it to new situations. I think a successful young mathematian does not necessarily have to be able to do calculations in his or her head, but be able to apply known knowledge and strategies.
During my internship year, I persevered with making sure students always showed their work, read and wrote proper math notations, and fixed their math work when it was not correct. Students were not limited to use the strategies I provided, but any strategy that had mathematical reasoning.
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Daily On-Going Assessments
The purpose of these assessments was for both students and teachers to be aware of students' abilities. I looked at how students approached problems on the assessments to monitor their understanding and provide additional instructions as needed. I found that peer tutoring was also beneficial.
Pre and Post-Assessments
Before, and after, a concept was taught, I gave students the same assessments. I used pre-assessments to see how much information students already knew. Then, I would adjust my plans for the unit. Post-assessments were for me to see how much the students learned. This helped to determine if further practices and reviews were needed.
"The systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically." -