During my internship year, I taught my students Chinese for about 15 minutes a day. It appeared that students learned and enjoyed it.
Prior to my internship year, I had experience wtih fourth graders in Chinese Schools and a year as an MSU senior at Post Oak Elementary school (a Chinese immersion magnet school.)
"Many studies have demonstrated the benefits of second language learning not only on student's linguistic abilities but on their cognitive and creative abilities as well. " - ACTFL American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages
In my classroom, students had to ask to go to the bathroom and get a drink in Chinese. Students would often count in Chinese as well. This was something they took away from third grade that was unique for our class.
Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan
Click to see the website I built when I was teaching 4th grade Chinese in Ann Arbor Chinese Center of MichiganI mainly use this website for homework, recording assignments, games, weekly updates, videos, etc. for both students and parents.