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Annotated Transcript of MAET

Master of Arts in Technology Education through Michigan State University. There were three parts to my MAET program - Teacher Internship, Serious Game Design, Ireland, and the final capstone course, in which I will put together with the Ireland experience.

Teacher Internship

Michigan State University requires college who are seeking a teaching certificated from the state of Michigan an entire year of internship year program. The teacher internship program is beyond the undergraduate course level, yet, not any part of master's degree. My course credits were only transferred to my master's degree because I have applied to the MAET.

Reflection and Inquiry Teaching Practice I

TE 802 | Fall 2013 | Instructor: Lynne Watanabe

This course focused on teaching practice and assessment on teaching literacy at the elementary level. Through this course, I was able to come up with lessons and activities on reading and writing with my third grade students. I worked collaboratively with a group to create literacy lesson plans and come together to analyze and reflect on our lessons. This experience was unique in a way that I was able to get peer feedback on each other's teaching. 

Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice II

TE 804 | Spring 2014 | Instructor: Andrea Varricchione

Each of the TE courses that I took during my internship year focused on one subject area. This course focused on elementary science. The opportunity this course provided with working collaboratively on lesson planning and to reteach revised lessons to a different group of students gave me the opportunity to see and experience the process of looking for successful and things to be improved in a lesson.


Professional Roles & Teaching Practice II 

TE 803 | Spring 2014 | Instructor: Gavin Sykes-McLaughlin

This course focused on elementary social studies. During this course, I was able to explore, design, teach, and analyze teaching a third grade social studies unit lessons. In the learning process of I learned to to it on my own as well as working with my teaching mentor with different lessons and activities. I have had the chance to learn about how social studies can be taught at the elementary level as well as how to incorporate with other subject areas.

Serious Game Design & Research

The Serious Game Design and Research was a separate certificate that I pursued while applying for the MAET. As I was very interested in learning more about developing and incorporating different technology resources for language learners, serious game design was the perfect certificate program for me. I also learned that all course credits could be counted toward my MAET degree as well.

Theories Interaction Design

MI831 | Fall 2015 | Instructor: Patrick Shaw

This was the first Serious Game Design Certificate course that I took. Through this course, I learned a lot of theories behind serious game design  and was able to relate a lot back t education and teaching. I was able compare and contrast similarities and difference between serious game design and teaching This allowed me to make ideas, theories, and designs interchangeable between the two areas including motivations, behavior, etc. 

MUnderstanding Users

MI 841 | Fall 2015 | Instructor: Dr. Carrie Heeter

This course provided me lots of opportunity to read, and conduct user observation research, and conceptualized my design product through sketching and prototyping. The opportunity to learn about the process of game design and focused on understanding users was very interesting to me. I have learned how to conduct field research as well as analyze the usability of a product and user experience (UX).

Foundation of Serious Games

MI 830 | Spring 2016 | Instructor: Dr. Carrie Heeter

This was th last Serious Game Design course that I took. This course provided me lots of opportunity to conduct research and analyze serious game design. I have analyzed an existing game, designed the concept of my own from writing the concept proposal, conducting playtest report, designing pitch to creating game description site. These designs included considering the application, funding, and simulation of the serious game. ​

Galway, Ireland

A big part of my MAET experience was being able to go abroad and learn from many difference aspects. I learned about traveling, the countries, cultural differences, classmates, being in a foreign country, etc. I feel very fortunate to be part of this program and witness the value of study abroad.

Psychology of Learning and School of Other Settings

CEP 800 | Summer 2016| Instructor: Dr. Emily Bouck and Dr. Sean Sweeney

This unique abroad opportunity with classmates from over the world with different background really provided a rich experience through sharing and discussions about teaching experiences and practices. This course provided me the opportunity to learn, research, and design lessons under the TPACK frame work. In the process, I also reached out through social media and networking with teachers around the world to discuss about teaching under the TPACK frame work. This big project was designed for us to work with a teacher partner and solve his/her problem of practice in teaching.


Technology and Leadership

CEP 815 | Summer 2016| Instructor: Dr. Emily Bouck and Dr. Sean Sweeney

While in Galway, we were given this unique chance to put together a global conference and put togeth​er with a one other partner over a topic at the conference. My leadership skills grew tremendously due to this course. In the process of working with peers overcoming disagreements, stress, and challenges, we were able to come together with a great outcome of the conference. I was in charge of the conference website. The session I held with my partner was about teaching coding in elementary classrooms. The learning process and my presentation turnout was a remarkable experience and memory for me.

Approaches to Educational Research

CEP 822 | Summer 2016| Instructor: Dr. Emily Bouck and Dr. Sean Sweeney

Master This part of the abroad experience allowed us to work in a small group, agreed on a topic of our research and work as a team to conduct, analyze, and present out research. We focused on learning environment. The work from revising the research question to agreeing on how to present our results as a team was a valuable. My takeaway from the research itself was plenty and applicable. Small assignments on researching and sharing about different technology tools was also a big part of the experience.


Capstone Educational Technology

CEP 807 | Fall 2016| Instructor: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Aric Gaunt, and Spencer Greenhalgh

Through this course, I was able to organize and reflect everything I have done in the MAET program. In the process of building my online portfolio, I was able to also see what others in the ​class have done. This course provided me the opportunity to really take the time to think about my past, current, and future goals as well as my carrier. As this course concludes my MAET program, I am walking away with very clear ideas in mind of what I am taking away from the program as well as where I want to head to as my next steps.

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